About Strategic Pathfinders Group – Managing Director Diana Geremia

Strategic Pathfinders Group is the brainchild of Diana M. Geremia, Founder and Managing Director. Diana saw the need for comprehensive corporate change management and risk mitigation for midsize and larger companies that drives sustainable operational excellence. Strategic Pathfinders Group (SPG) is built on the premise that business can operate at maximum efficiency throughout its lifecycle even in the face of daunting change and transition. SPG takes a hands-on and holistic view when corporations find themselves caught in the middle and need to respond cogently to M&A, bankruptcy, downsizing or restructuring challenges. In addition, SPG goes the extra mile ensuring that operational and financial processes are fully optimized and generating maximum profit impact.

With more than 25 years experience driving bottom line results for a variety of F500, midsize and small firms, Diana heads up a team of industry experts with years of experience analyzing and solving the problems challenging businesses today. Besides the usual suspects, SPG brings transition specialization coupled with business development AND business implementation experience. SPG clients enjoy meaningful business advice that truly helps their businesses become more profitable and grow. Business growth and profitability becomes “business as usual” rather than leaving success to chance or happenstance. SPG customers succeed because we build the structures and processes that help the operation consistently, deliberately and repetitively conduct business profitably.

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